Oval Table w/Turned Leg

Our furniture and the way we place it and decorate it says a lot about who we are. So what does your living room set say about you and your family? If you had one sentence to sum up your decor style, what would it be? What would the structure of it all represent?

And speaking of sentences and structure and sentence structure, let’s see what this grammatical punctuation says about our Oval Table w/ Turned Leg.
Periods make a final statement and are perfectly round – or ehr, oval…Another great table for the perfect period at the end of your sofa’s sentence! Your sofas and chairs punctuated by such elegance and grace never looked this good until now!

Many folks love the shape of the top and the longer legs are always more elegant in the formal living room.

Item Number: 2128

  • Height: 26″
  • Width: 20″
  • Depth: 15″